Rice facts
Why Brown rice is better?
Brown rice is a whole grain. That means it contains all parts of the grain — including the fibrous bran, the nutritious germ and the carb-rich endosperm. White rice, on the other hand, has had the bran and germ removed, which are the most nutritious parts of the grain.
This leaves white rice with very few essential nutrients, which is why brown rice is usually considered much healthier than white.

Natural Wholeness
Easy to digest
No synthetic vitamins
Brown rice vs White rice
Key nutrient of brown rice

Bran Oil
- Contain high level of essential fatty acid
Lower total and LDL Cholesterol (Bad cholesterol)

Important for cancer protection
Induce DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells and to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells

Prevent growth retardation
Important in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing

For blood production
Prevent Anemia

Dietary Fibre
Prevent gastrointestinal diseases and heart diseases
Reduce risk of colon cancer
Aid in weight loss by reducing food intake at meals
Prevent gallstones

Vitamin B+
Prevent ben-beri
Maintain healthy skin and nerve function

Present high amount in rice bran
MO-inflammatory, lower cholesterol and blood trigtyceride level

Vitamin E
Act as antioxidant
Prevent cholesterol from oxidation and getting accumulated in the arteries

Offer significant protection against Breast Cancer as well as Heart Diseases

For normal functioning of nerves and muscles
Help to reduce blood pressure

Provide protection against damage from the tree radicals produced during energy production

Act as co-factor for enzymes involved in the body’s use of glucose and Insulin secretion
Lower Type 2 Diabetes risk